Silicon Valley GOP congressional candidate
Ron Cohen wants to make the South Bay 
great, again.

CONGRESS | 17TH DISTRICT | Seventeenth Congressional District Republican candidate Ron Cohen says he needs to differentiate himself from his opponents in the seven-person June primary headlined by Democrats Rep. Mike Honda and Ro Khanna.

Will coming out in support of Donald Trump do the trick? Probably, yes. Cohen announced his support Thursday for the leading Republican presidential candidate.

But, Cohen says his pledge of support for Trump’s presidential campaign Thursday is not entirely a case of political expediency. “I wanted to announce it now before it becomes a sure thing,” he said of Trump’s push for the GOP nomination. “Saying it now, it’s not gratuitous or jumping on the bandwagon.” said Cohen, a first-time candidate who is also a Fremont certified public accountant. Cohen said he is a former Rand Paul supporter.

He would also welcome a chance to be selected as one of Trump’s delegates if the New York billionaire wins Cohen’s 17th Congressional District on June 7. Each Republican presidential candidate on the ballot has the opportunity to select three delegates and three alternates if they win one of California’s congressional district. Cohen said he would be beholden to voting for Trump throughout several rounds of the nominating process if picked.“If we can be so lucky,” he added. “I’ll do whatever is required.”

Donald Trump 

Part of the impetus for the announcement, he said, is also the recent addition of another Republican in the field earlier this month, which is forcing him to fight for every sliver of the region’s small conservative voting electorate.

In recent weeks, Cohen has criticized fellow GOP candidate Peter Kuo, a Santa Clara insurance broker who finished a surprising second in the 2014 10th State Senate District race to Democrat Bob Wieckowski, for lacking policy heft and a reliance on telling his immigrant story. Although Kuo started his campaign a bit late, he has shown the ability in the past for attracting large contributions from the South Bay’s large Asian American communities.

“If I’m going to distinguish myself in this way, I want to do it because I really believe in it,” Cohen said of support for Trump. However, he doesn’t agree with Trump every issue, including disparaging comments the candidate has made against women, his support for waterboarding and what Cohen calls Trump’s “childish behavior.” But, Cohen stands with Trump when it comes to illegal immigration, the specter of some Muslim groups trying to attack the U.S., and believes he will “end one-sided trade deals that cost U.S. jobs.”