Coliseum JPA member says undisclosed Raiders
lease proposal is “fair and reasonable.”

RAIDERS | The Coliseum Joint Powers Authority is offering the Raiders a lease extension so good that Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty is calling it the best “in the history of the NFL.”

Haggerty, who is the president of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and a long-time member of Coliseum JPA, said during an interview on the East Bay Citizen Podcast, that he intended to make details of the offer public during last Wednesday’s closed session JPA meeting. He did not disclose the proposed lease extension, but offered scant details beforehand.

LISTEN to Haggerty discuss the Raiders, A’s, Warriors stadium saga on the EAST BAY CITIZEN PODCAST below.

“The deal that we have given them is probably better than any deal—the deal that we have recently offered them in the last couple of weeks—is better than any deal, any NFL team, has ever been given in the history of the NFL.”

Haggerty desire to put the lease extension proposal in the public realm is due in part, he said, by a segment of the public who assert the county and other public officials are doing little to solve the stadium situation in Oakland. “I’m tired of the dance,” he said. “I want people to know there is a deal and it’s fair and it’s reasonable.”

Without offering any details, Haggerty said the proposed Raiders lease extension currently in negotiations is not the same as last year’s one-year deal.

Haggerty said the recent tour by Raiders co-owner Mark Davis of possible stadium sites in Las Vegas was “pretty uncalled for” and believes there remains a good chance the Chargers, the other NFL team tentatively scheduled to move to Los Angeles, will stay in San Diego for the long-term. That would leave the Raiders, he said, as the second tenant at the stadium being built in Inglewood, if a solution is not found in Oakland.
